Many people go to graduate school because they believe it will help them acquire the skills and credentials they need to get the job they want. However, some graduate degrees are more effective than others at setting students up for career success.
Best Master's Degrees for Finding a Job
The best graduate degrees for boosting your occupational outlook include those that focus on health care, information technology, and finance.
1. Physician Assistant
Physician assistants (PAs) practice medicine under the direction of physicians and surgeons. They can examine patients, diagnose illnesses and injuries, and give treatment. All PAs must complete a physician assistant program (typically, a two-year program). This is one of the fastest-growing careers, with a projected growth of 31% by 2029.
2. Finance
Finance graduate programs teach students critical financial topics such as risk management, insurance, investments, and mergers and acquisitions. With a master's degree, graduates can work their way into high-paying upper-level management positions in which they manage the financial health of an organization.
Average annual pay: $86,443
Job growth 2019-2029: 5%
Popular job titles: Financial manager, financial analyst, personal financial advisor
3. Computer Science
Computer science programs prepare students for jobs in fields such as computer and information research, programming, and information security. Jobs in these fields are expected to increase over the next few years and offer high salaries to those with the proper skill sets.
Average annual pay: $93,808
Job growth 2019-2029: 15%
Popular job titles: Computer systems analyst, software developer, computer and information systems manager
4. Biomedical Engineering
A biomedical engineering master's program teaches students skills in the biological and medical sciences. As biomedical engineers, students will put these skills together to develop medical equipment, computer systems, software, and other devices for various healthcare purposes.
- Average annual pay: $77,660
- Job growth 2019-2029: 5%
- Popular job titles: Biomedical engineer
5. Information Systems
A master's degree in information systems trains students to manage information technology. As organizations apply technology in new ways, jobs in information management are becoming increasingly important. Many of these jobs offer high salaries. The number of jobs in this field is expected to increase faster than the national average over the next decade.
- Average annual pay: $87,834
- Job growth 2019-2029: 10%
- Popular job titles: Computer and information systems manager, software developer, computer systems analyst
6. Statistics
Statistics master's programs are sometimes housed under broader mathematics departments. Statistics courses range from statistical computing to probability to applied statistics. With this degree, graduates typically become involved in applying their math skills to real-life scenarios. They might become actuaries, statisticians, or economists. These kinds of jobs are expected to grow much faster than the national average
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